The SpeakOUT Symposium
The SpeakOUT Symposium was held on April 29, 2021 to celebrate the culmination of an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grow Grant that funded three years of 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion programming with the Peel District School Board. All event resources are archived below. Use these resources to keep the inclusion conversation going in your classroom. Be sure to swing by our Video & Resource Library as well as our Impact Page for even more Speak OUT action!
Although our Grow Grant is complete, you can continue to book Speak OUT workshops for your classroom at sliding scale rates. Speak OUT is a transformative workshop that is making schools safer for LGBTQ2S+ students. Using interactive programming, students learn about LGBTQ2S+ identities, how to be an ally, and ways to challenge homophobic and transphobic bullying.
Hosted by:
Funded by:
Trusteed by:
In partnership with select schools from:
Symposium Event Archive
Keynote Speech & OTF Recognition Event
CANVAS’ Speak OUT Symposium will kick things off with our keynote speech, featuring Bilal Baig and Robyn Kaur Sidhu. The event will be opened with remarks by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and CANVAS’ Co-Executive Directors, followed by our keynote speakers. Bilal (they/them) is a trans-feminine Muslim actor, playwright and Peel school alumnus, and one of the creators and star behind CBC’s new comedy, Sort Of. Robyn (she/he/they) is a Queer, mad, chronically ill, Punjabi-Canadian poet and Peel school alumnus. They are a community organizer and youth educator of consent, race, 2SLGBTQ+ identity, and spoken word poetry.
Originally Aired 8:50am, April 29th, 2020
Intersectional History of Pride
This session introduces students to the history of Pride. The session focuses on how Black, Indigenous and People of Colour in the 2SLGBTQ+ community were influential in the fight for equality and shaping Pride as we know it today. After watching this 10-minute workshop, teachers can lead their students through a trivia game all about the Pride flag! Find the trivia game HERE.
Originally Aired 9:30am, April 29th, 2020
Q&A Student Questions and Drag Performance
Have questions? We have answers! Join CANVAS facilitators Twoey and Nathan as they answer student questions about 2SLGBTQ+ identities and experiences. In this LIVE session, we’ll start things off with a drag performance by Chel Carmichael, a non-binary actor, vocalist, and drag performer dedicated to blurring the lines of the gender binary both on and off stage. Then, Twoey and Nathan will lead a Q&A, answering student questions and sharing their perspectives.
Originally Aired 10:00am, April 29th, 2020
Queerness and Intersectionality Workshop
We know that there is no one way to look or be part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. In this session, facilitators explore how aspects of identity like race, faith, and culture impact experiences of queerness. After watching the 15-minute workshop, teachers can lead their students through an interactive art activity to explore their own unique identities. Click here for the art activity template.
Originally Aired 12:30pm, April 29th, 2020
2SLGBTQ+ Student Panel
Join two inspiring PDSB students as they reflect on their personal experiences navigating life at school. The panel will explore what it’s like identifying as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, how their identity has impacted experiences with school, teachers, and classmates, and ultimately share their vision of what a truly inclusive school environment looks like.
Originally Aired 1:00pm, April 29th, 2020
Spoken Word Poetry Workshop
Spoken word poetry empowers youth to explore and celebrate their identities and experiences. This LIVE workshop will feature performances by professional spoken word artists, guiding your students through a series of interactive activities, and supporting them to create and share their own art! No experience is necessary and students from all grades are welcome to participate. The workshop will be facilitated and feature performances by Londzo Drury (she/her), Vale Warren (they/them) and Robyn Kaur Sidhu (she/he/they).
Originally Aired 1:00pm, April 29th, 2020
Inclusion in the Classroom Panel for Teachers
Are you an educator wondering how to put your inclusive goals into practice? Join us for a panel discussion featuring three PDSB teachers sharing their personal experiences with inclusive classroom practices. The panelists discuss challenges they’ve faced and share recommendations for other teachers and school faculty who are working to support 2SLGBTQ+ students and colleagues.
Originally Aired 7:00pm, April 29th, 2020
Videos & Resources
Video Library
Why We Need LGBTQ* Education (3 mins)
Pride Month Puppet Making (48mins)
Robyn Sidhu- Queer in Quarantine (2.5 mins)
Vale Warren- Queer in Quarantine (3.5 mins)
Angelo Luu - Queer in Quarantine (4 mins)
Resource Library
Queer 2SLGBTQ+ Trivia for Classrooms
Flex your students’ knowledge of Queer historical moments and factoids with this downloadable trivia presentation! This game show-style slideshow will entertain and educate at the same time.
Terminology & Tips for Teachers
It may feel confusing, overwhelming at times, to keep up with the ever-evolving vocabulary of identity. But it doesn’t have to be! Using our Tips & Terminology resource, sharpen your knowledge of the most current and widely accepted language associated with the LGBTQ2S+ community.
A QBIPOC History Timeline
Featured in the video presentation, “An Intersectional history of Pride”, this timeline snapshot provides students and teachers with a nuanced understanding of the historical contributions of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour throughout the Queer rights movement.
Check out our Resource Page
Looking for more information after the Symposium? CANVAS’ resources include a multi-media glossary, external support contacts, community-based research reports, and a teacher curriculum guide.
Speak OUT Impact at a Glance
Over the last 5 years, our Speak OUT program ran in the Peel District School system reaching countless students and teachers.
This program was created to educate youth on gender & sexuality and combat homophobia to create more accepting communities for students of all gender identities and sexual orientations (self concept, sexual orientation, relationships, stereotypes and impacts of bullying)
A Brief History of Speak OUT!
Browse through our Speak OUT timeline and learn how this program grew over the last 5 years:
How it started: Speak OUT Year One
How it’s going: Speak OUT Year Five
What Students have said about Speak OUT
Check out some fantastic art created by our student participants as well as some quotes on how they feel about our Speak OUT Program!
+Image Descriptions for slideshow
An image of an arts and craft piece. Two cut out hands surrounding a heart. The hands and heart are filled in with puzzle pieces with 2SLGBTQ+ messages and images, such as rainbows and messages that say “you are valid!”
An image of many people’s hands touching a piece of paper. The paper reads “People define words, words don’t define people”.
An image of cut out piece of paper in the shape of a large puzzle piece. The puzzle piece is filled in with many images, such as a brain, a puzzle piece with different colours (red, blue, green, and yellow), pronouns they/them, and the words “Autism doesn’t mean you can treat me like I’m 2”
An image word in marker on a piece of paper reading “Speak out, be yourself, ignore society’s rules”
An image of the body of a person wearing a sweater holding piece of paper in front of them which reads “Yes ☺, I’m Gay. You don’t need to write it on my locker or whisper it behind my back in the halls because I am proud and I will SHOUT IT”
An image of a poster on a red brick wall, inside a school. The poster reads “Gender Pronouns: Respecting people’s self identification means using the gender pronoun that they most identify with, how do you know what someone prefes? Ask them (Politely!)” and lists different pronouns such as he/she/ze/they/zie/xe. The poster is surrounded by stickie notes with different messages such “respect” and drawn hearts.
An image of a person holding a piece of paper with displaying a message with the top and bottom cut off. The words visible read “who you say you are. You make your identity. I respect you and your pronouns and I respect your identity. Living in a cis-normative, hetero-normative society is hard. But I believe in you. Oppression is hard to live with. But you got this. #SpeakOUT to school.
An image of the body of a person with long hair and a tank top holding a piece of paper which reads “you are amazing and you are enough” in rainbow letters.
A large poster paper with the acronym Voices, The letters stand for: Validate, Ongoing, Intervene, Challenging As (word cut off) Educate Myself, and Share Space. Next to this acronym is many cut out speech bubbles decorated with different 2SLGBTQ+ messages, such as rainbows, “ally”, and “love has no gender.
An image of the hands holding a piece of paper which states “who says you can’t make your own normal”
A bright yellow posterboard with the word “Equality” in large letters. In smaller letters, surrounding the word “equality” are messages such as “be kind to one another”, and “you are here to impress yourself, not anyone else”, and a rainbow heart.
Statistics at a Glance
Why Teachers Are Recommending Speak OUT!
Check out some quotes from teachers whose classrooms received Speak OUT trainings.
Community Voices
Do you have a memory about Speak OUT at your school? We would love to hear it!
Responses will be sent to
Our Fabulous Facilitators
Thank you so much to our amazing staff of facilitators who were able to deliver 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion training to over 14, 000 students over the past 5 years. Your work and dedication cannot be measured!
CANVAS’ culture is highly influenced by the people who work within the organization, aid in its growth, and ultimately leave their unique mark on our programs & facilitation structures. The CANVAS Alumni Network is an engagement initiative created by CANVAS that invites dedicated former staff members, volunteers, and Board members to stay involved in the organization. We want to recognize and thank everyone on the CANVAS team for helping us consistently deliver quality programming.
Our facilitators have over 5 years of working on the Speak OUT Program. Click on a name to read some of their favourite facilitation memories.
+ Laurie's Story
As a new facilitator with Canvas, I have only been able to facilitate a few Speak OUT workshops so far but I was blown away by how engaged the students were and how much fun the workshops were to run. My favourite part of the Speak OUT workshops are when we share our stories and then get to answer students' questions. It feels so rewarding to be able to give these young students positive representations of queerness and to show them that it really does get better. When I was struggling with my own sexuality I promised myself that once I was comfortable with it, I would help other kids who are struggling and being able to tangibly do that through these workshops means the world to me.
+ Vale's Story
Hello, I'm Vale! I have been facilitating Speak OUT workshops with CANVAS for about 4 years. I have always loved answering the students' questions and looking at the art they create. Occasionally a student will ask me something personal, and I'm always happy to share my experiences with the knowledge that someone will be supported and validated by hearing them. My favourite age group to work with is middle school students, because they're so enthusiastic and bubbly and curious. Facilitating Speak OUT, I get the sense that I'm planting seeds of knowledge and healing, and leaving an impression that will help queer and questioning students.
+Pree's Story
Sending some of my favourite questions I've received so far:
1) Why do people care about wearing pink or makeup or cutting their hair, don't we want to move away from gender roles?
I love this question because it creates space for gender roles, and different perspectives about gender to enter the chat, which is always fun to talk about, especially from a personal perspective.
2) How can I support my friend who told me they're [insert a gender or sexuality]?
I love this question because it comes from such a caring, loving place! So wholesome.
+ Londzo's Story
Being a Speak OUT workshop facilitator has been one of my proudest accomplishments. I can’t even begin to describe the hope and empowerment I have felt after witnessing the incredible intellect, empathy, and curiosity of the students we have worked with. I have constantly been moved by the participation from the students, including their thoughtful questions, insightful comments, and meaningful stories. We have met so many LGBTQ2S+ young people in these workshops who finally have a place to express themselves openly in a classroom setting. I have also had the privilege to share my own story too. If I have been able to provide any amount of hope for even one queer young person, I consider that a success.
+ Alex's Story
What has been your favourite moment/part of facilitating SpeakOUT?
It's challenging to name just one favourite moment I have from facilitating SpeakOUT workshops because there have been so many! The moments that have been most impactful for me have been times when students have shared their personal stories and experiences. It makes me so happy to see students feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable in front of not only myself but also their teachers and peers. It feels rewarding as a facilitator knowing that I helped foster a supportive space for students to be open and honest about their identities and experiences.
Why do you do this work?
I do the work that I do because it's the work I wish was happening when I was in middle school and high school. It's very meaningful work to me because I'm able to educate and facilitate conversations I wish I had when I was younger. The work I do is healing and in many ways I do it for my inner child. I also love facilitating because I learn so much from students! I'm consistently impressed by how knowledgeable and empathic students are. I'm also impressed by how passionate they are about allyship and ways that they can actively support the 2SLGBTQ+ community.
+ Saul's Story
When I came out, I thought that if I did not take care of myself nobody would take care of me. I started pushing for change in my schools because I believed that if I didn’t educate people no one else would. I am proud of the choices I made, but I do this work now because it was not my job to do it then. 2SLGBTQ+ students should not have to be inspirational, and they should not be responsible for fixing their communities. I hope that sometimes I get to do that work for them.
Our Peel School Partners
Over the past 5 years we have had the privilege of visiting both in person and online with many schools across the Peel District School Board. Thank you for your support!
Our Funder
This program couldn’t exist without the generous support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Their backing provided unmatched access to 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion in the Peel District School Board.